KuCoin API Documentation REST API Base URL. The REST API has endpoints for account and order management as well as public market data. The base url is https://api.kucoin.com. The request URL needs to be determined by BASE and specific endpoint combination. Endpoint of the Interface. Each interface has its own endpoint, described by field HTTP REQUEST in the docs. 火币量化API的简单使用 - 简书 如何使用火币网api 接口. 我把官网的api介绍搬过来了,说的很明白,详细的看官网文档,见文末参考资料。 接口类型. 火币为用户提供两种接口,您可根据自己的使用场景和偏好来选择适合的方式进行查询行情、交易或提现。 rest api Azure REST API Reference | Microsoft Docs Azure REST API Reference. 04/07/2020; 15 minutes to read; In this article. Welcome to the Azure REST API Reference. Representational State Transfer (REST) APIs are service endpoints that support sets of HTTP operations (methods), which provide create, retrieve, update, or …
FOREX.com is a registered FCM and RFED with the CFTC and member of the National Futures Association (NFA # 0339826). Forex trading involves significant risk of loss and is not suitable for all investors. Full Disclosure. Spot Gold and Silver contracts are not subject to regulation under the U.S. Commodity Exchange Act. Bybit API Docs REST API. Query Symbol [update] Updated BTCUSDT contract information; 2020-03-31 REST API. Get Wallet Balance [update] Fix incorrect balance of USDT; 2020-03-26 REST API. Set Trading-Stop [update] Add trigger price new_trailing_active for trailing stop order. 2020-03-16 REST API. Position [update] Add field effective_leverage in response; Get KuCoin API Documentation
Free currencies API convert updated in real time, exchange rates in over 160 currencies. The ForexFeed Web Service / REST API exposes a platform-independent data exchange protocol over HTTP. Data is accessible via common web URLs, making it easy to use and compatible with most existing software systems. FXCM REST API Specifications
HTTP-BASIERTE REST-API. Die OANDA REST-APIs sind sprachunabhängig. Somit können Händler ihre bevorzugte Programmiersprache wählen und direkt mit OANDAs Vorgänger- und v20-Handelsmodellen integrieren. Diese APIs eignen sich ideal für individuelle Händler, die ihre Handelsstrategien automatisieren möchten. Entdecken Sie die REST-API
Azure REST API Reference. 04/07/2020; 15 minutes to read; In this article. Welcome to the Azure REST API Reference. Representational State Transfer (REST) APIs are service endpoints that support sets of HTTP operations (methods), which provide create, retrieve, update, or delete access to the service's resources. Our REST API provides access to live streaming prices, trade execution, advanced order types, and access to over 80 of the world's most traded markets. Our REST API provides access to live streaming prices, trade execution, advanced order types, and access to over 180 of the world's most traded markets. 开发自动化交易策略. 访问实时交易功能,并使用REST 和FIX 应用程序界面(API) 提供针对外汇、贵金属、CFD(点差合约) 债券、指数 和商品†的自动交易†。 开设账户 我们的API服务适用于所有需要直接访问我们的价格服务器的开发人员. 我们的 REST API提供对实时流价格交易执行高级订单类型的访问,以及对全球交易量 访问我们的文档门户以获取示例代码支持工具等; 充分利用我们的API成员支持论坛 来 Authentication. api_key. REST API uses a persistent Access Token. You can generate this token by logging into Trading Station Web at 获取文档快照,并将其与API Gateway 中的一个API 阶段关联。